South Wales Scribes is a regional group for people interested in calligraphy and lettering arts.
We welcome members from across South Wales, from professionals to enthusiastic amateurs and those just starting out in calligraphy. Our aim is to ensure that everyone develops their calligraphy skills and that they have great fun doing so. Consequently we enjoy working together and supporting each other as we learn.
We usually meet in and around Swansea approximately five or six times a year: four workshops with external tutors well known in the calligraphy world and two meetings led by members where we work together, including our annual general meeting.
Membership is currently £15 per year. Workshop costs can vary but are around £35 for the day. For more information, please contact the /
South Wales Scribes is a non-profit making organisation and is affiliated to the Calligraphy and Lettering Arts Society.
Grŵp rhanbarthol yw Ysgrifwyr De Cymru ar gyfer pobl sydd â diddordeb mewn caligraffeg a’r celfyddydau llythrennu.
Croesawn aelodau ar o draws De Cymru gan gynnwys caligraffwyr proffesiynol ac amaturiaid brwdfrydig a’r rhai sydd newydd ddechrau gwneud caligraffeg. Anelwn at sicrhau bod pawb yn datblygu eu caligraffeg ac yn cael hwyl wrth ei wneud. Felly, mwynhawn weithio gyda’n gilydd a chefnogi ein gilydd fel rydyn ni’n dysgu.
Rydyn ni’n cwrdd yng Nghanolfan Cymunedol Glais yn Abertawe. Fel arfer, rydyn ni’n cael pump neu chwe chyfarfod y flwyddyn, pedwar gweithdy gyda thiwtoriaid allanol sy’n adnabyddus yn y byd caligraffig a dau gyfarfod a arweinir gan aelodau lle rydyn ni’n gweithio gyda’n gilydd, gan gynnwys ein cyfarfod blynyddol cyffredinol.
Ar hyn o bryd y pris aelodaeth yw £15 y flwyddyn. Gall costau gweithdai amrywio ond maent yn tueddu i fod tua £35 am y diwrnod. Am wybodaeth bellach, cysylltwch â
Nid ydy Ysgrifwyr De Cymru’n gwneud elw ac mae’n gysylltiedig â’r Calligraphy and Lettering Arts Society
We at South Wales Scribes are on Cloud 9! We are absolutely thrilled that one of our founding members, Judith Porch, has attained Fellowship of The Society of Scribes and Illuminators.
She is only one of 42 Fellows worldwide so joins a very exclusive club!
CARDIFF CASTLE Broadsheet by Judith Porch FSSI
Workshop Programme 2025
Forthcoming workshops:
A fun member-led workshop exploring the creative possibilities of masking methods and resist techniques. more ...
Egg Tempera for Calligraphers & Illuminators
St Illtyd's Church Hall, Fforestfach, Swansea
Learn simple lino-cutting techniques that will allow you to produce both small and large scale pieces.
Workshop theme to be decided.
Group Projects
Periodically we like to involve all members of South Wales Scribes in a combined group project or submit contributions on a theme.
It is always interesting to see the variety of contributions from individual members in response to the same brief and specification.
Transformation : Trawsnewid
February 2016 | Swansea Museum
Tenth Anniversary Exhibition
The Written Word : Y Gair Ysgrifenedig
August - November 2022 | Swansea Museum
It has been a long time making up its mind, but it looks like Spring has finally arrived. Enjoy the longer days, sunshine, fresh breezes, rain and rainbows. The spring bulbs and new growth bring a brighter colour palette of yellows, oranges, pinks, purples and bright, light greens. Better late than never - here is a little tribute to Spring from South Wales Scribes.
Secretary | ALISON ALLAN
Chairman | GORDON WOOD
Treasurer | GRACE BIRT
Workshop Coordinator | JUDITH PORCH FSSI
Website & Newsletter | LESLEY ROMANO
South Wales Scribes | Ysgrifwyr De Cymru | 2024